Minutes 2015-03-19

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  1. Official E-BOARD Report
  2. Presidents Report: Nothing
  3. Vice President: T-shirts ordered having by next meeting, bring $9
  4. Treasurer Report: Buyed 8th hd and kvm cables
  5. Secretary: Google Docs
  6. PR Report: Take a look at forms


  • Todd Arney - CNSA ERRC 222
  • Server Status
    • New Addresses!!!
    • status.lug.mtu.edu
    • KVM Updates
    • 1Gb/s connection
  • Recent Outages
    • Tuesday - Outage led to 18 Tb of local storage
  • lug.mtu.edu/huskies
  • Linux News
    • UberStudent Distro
      • spin off distro for education
    • Kernel 3.19.2 released
      • presentation by Jared soon
    • GNU Manifesto 30 Years Old
    • RHEL 7.1 released
      • better container support for things like docker
  • What did you break this week?
    • Laptops
  • Weekly Presentation - Using ZFS
  • New people
    • subscribe to email list
    • irc


  1. Bring $9 to next meeting
  2. Elections
  3. Figure out date
  4. Presentation