Minutes 2015-03-26

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Attendance: 24


    1. talk to Mitch from ACM
  3. E-BOARD Nominations
    1. send email to lug-l
    2. person needs to accept or decline
      1. fully enrolled
      2. follow USG standards
    3. Nominate yourself or someone else
    4. Positions:
      1. president
      2. vice, treasurer, secretary, public relations, server admin(3)
  4. Server Status
    1. tier 1 arch linux mirror
    2. mtu email relay
    3. kvm upgrade cable was wrong
    4. replacement 3TB delivered
    5. migrating data - EXT 32 bit limit
    6. reinstalling Kibana/ Logstash/Elasticsearch
  5. Linux News
    1. Steam OS beta
  6. What did you break this week?
  7. Weekly Presentation - Monitoring LUG
  8. New People
    1. subscribe to email list
    2. IRC: irc://lug.mtu.edu:6667/#mtu


  1. Elections
  2. Nominate People email lug-l or tell Andrea
  3. Figure out date
  4. Presentation for next week!