Minutes 2015-10-30

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  1. Meeting Slides
    1. https://docs.google.com/a/mtu.edu/presentation/d/1rSVdoTCA_JUUrp2-dbwMSKoh1hk_a2ig-Qc1DXDvQ3U/edit?usp=sharing
  2. Join our email list!
  3. “New” server courtesy of IT
    1. It’s shiny and stuff.
      1. 16GB RAM
  4. DoD Rep rescheduled
  5. https://www.twitchinstalls.com/
    1. Twitch installs Arch… “Cooperative Horror-themed text based adventure”
    1. YES <- Pick this one!
    2. NO
  7. But seriously he’s the new secretary
  8. Join our slack!
    1. https://mtulug.slack.com/
    2. Anyone with an mtu.edu can join
  9. User’s Forum:
    1. Blingall got a monitor
      1. Makes police car sounds, RMAing it obviously
      2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whfYZrCpmp4
  10. Red Vs. Blue Presentation
    1. Blingall configured a VM
      1. Was supposed to be team based stuff, one shell for each team
    2. Exploded after 5 minutes
      1. One troll fork bombed the vm and ruined the presentation for everyone else
        1. Don’t be “that guy”
      2. Don’t trust anyone with root otherwise forkbomb