Minutes 2021-10-03

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We introduced one another and then Steven Whitaker went through the two commands on FFprobe and FFmpeg.

LUG Stuff

We are currently trying to get ourselves as an organization. We are in talks with RSO to get ourselves to become an official student organization.

Attached is the current email:


Thank you for sending us your initial paperwork.  Do you have a Constitution & Bylaws already prepared that we can review or is that something you would like to discuss further?  Feel free to send it to us or let us know what help you need and then we can get a meeting set up!

Student Leadership & Involvement.

On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 10:04 AM Steven Whitaker <sjwhitak@mtu.edu> wrote:

> Hello,

> We would like to restart a previously dead organization. I figure it'd
> be easiest to say that our organization is a "new" organization, since
> this is probably easier on your side to do. I'm not sure of what you'd
> want, but attached is the student org registration form. Could we work
> out some meeting to figure out what is required to get this org back
> onto involvement link?
> Thank you,
> Steven Whitaker