Minutes 2022-04-14

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Tiedye during spring fling, tomorrow.

LUG Meeting 2022-04-14

David will be wearing the tux outfit and holding a big sign until the MUB gets upset at us.

Are you really an org if you haven't gotten in trouble with the MUB?

Peter from IT Oxygen came by because David was dressed up as Tux and kept telling people to join LUG. Peter came by to ask if we could collaborate and clean up our server rack for more space. Since we also share the rack with HARC (Ben Bistline), we exchanged emails to get us to clean everything up.

We went to the GLRC to look at our rack and noticed that our RAID system for our mirrors server may not even be turned on.


  • Steven Whitaker
  • Tux (AKA David Hochstetler)
  • Josh Stiebel
  • Ben Bistline
  • Michael
  • Bryce Tezak
  • Peter LaMantia (IT Oxygen guest)