Minutes 2025-02-13
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- Presentation from Noah on creating MIFARE Classic polyglot cards!
- Brief primer of NFC and RFID
- HID and NXP duopoly
- Many organizations use credentials with broken or nonexistent encryption
- MIFARE Classic
- HID iClass
- MIFARE Classic
- Crypto1
- Security through obscurity
- MIT hackers break it overnight
- NXP attempts to sue, fails
- Used in lots of hotels and organizations that don't know any better
- Crypto1
- Visual representation of data on a MIFARE Classic card
- The '1K' in "MIFARE Classic 1K" is the total space
- There's only 720 bytes of usable space
- Block 0 is for manufacturer data
- First 4 bytes are the UID (serial number) of the card
- Blocks 2/3 are for the MAD (more on this later)
- the rest of the sectors are for data
- MIFARE Classic 1K is the cheapest version of these cards
- There exist 2K and 4K variants
- Not very useful since most orgs just store an ID number on them anyway, which takes like 10 bytes, and leave the rest blank
- Is this allowed @ Tech?
- In all of IT's and the Universities policies, nothing says you can't put your own data on a different medium
- But they do explicitly disallow unauthorized distribution, so don't hand out your card or share a copy of the data dump
- "not an issue until it becomes one"
- Don't otherwise abuse services or technology and it won't pose an issue
- How it works
- Key Diversification Function (KDF)
- Take the (in this case) four-byte UID
- Plug into 'black-box' algorithm
- get keys for that sector
- We don't have the KDF for Schlage, but we can get a 1:1 copy of the data anyway
- The first sector is the one that we care about
- Orange bytes are access bits
- These define read/write permissions
- If the access bits are configured to never allow writing the access bits, they're 'bricked'; IE permanently locked and can never be changed
- For this reason, we use the access bits of
instead of the OEM access bits ofF0FF00
to keep the same KeyA/KeyB R/W permissions, but also allow re-writing the access bits again in the future- Can be useful if anyone wants their LUG ID to be a different card in the future, like a hotel key or convention pass
- General purpose byte - not super important
- Weigand value is the one that were looking for
- Card numbers are printed on the card
- Wiegand values are all sequential in most systems
- These are both stupid
- The MIFARE Application Directory (MAD)
- Allows formatting the data in the card in special ways
- Designed to allow multi-tenant functionality
- The purpose was to use different sectors to store different 'types' of applications (vending credits, bus passes, dorm access, etc)
- No one uses it like this
- But it also allows encoding data as NDEF (what we care about)
- Special type of standard by NXP, the company with a borderline monopoly on NFC
- Can store files, contacts, pictures and more
- Commonly used on NTAG chips (ex. NTAG215/216)
- MAD normally is in sector one, which on our cards, is where our ID numbers are
- Mobile devices look for mad in sector 0, then reads in sector 1 even when the MAD specifies otherwise
- Don't implement spec properly
- IOS is really strict with some aspects, but still doesn't implement it correctly
- What do we do?
- Allegion has our backs
- Schlage readers support a zillion card formats
- One of these formats is a card with the data in sector 15 (the last sector)
- we can just copy+paste our sector 1 data down to sector 15, and it works all the same
- This frees up sector 1 to be used to our MAD data
- This trick let's us make other kinds of Polyglot Cards
- Noah's Tech+Elements NFC (gen4) / RFID (t5577) Ring
- Dining halls and printers only use UID (really insecure)
- This means you can't write your data to an RFID tag, as they only work with a 13.56mHz NFC tag
- Onto the fun stuff!
- Josh literally just finished the script as presentation ended
- Not tested yet
- Brief primer of NFC and RFID
- Handed out materials to create IDs for people who haven't made them yet
- For people who already created theirs last meeting, started on the polyglot creation
- They work!
- They even work on iPhones!
- Borrowed Ethan's Flipper Zero to check if the unlabeled stock of cards were gen1 or gen2
- We ran out of pre-confirmed gen2 tags
- Didn't want to use gen1 tags, so members could rewrite cards with their phones at a later date
- USG Budget Hearing @ 8:20 PM
- Took some quick pictures before leaving at 8:15 (the ones embedded in these minutes)
- Noah, Dane, Lucas, and Logan went
- Was only 10 minutes, meetings are very short
- Seems to have gone well
- Returned to the meeting
- Helped finish up remaining cards
- Discussions about integrating LUG into RedTeam and some future plans for RedTeam's leadership as people slowly dispersed