Show and Tell 2010 Spring

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Show and Tell will be sort of like our Installathon Presentations, but less formal. Think of it as more like a 10-15 min of "Look what I can do/did!"

Archive: 2009 Fall Presentations

Sign up Sheet for Spring Semester 2010:

  • January 14, 2010
 * Gabe - Useful Linux Tricks and Software
 * Peter/Jake - Cuddlebox
  • January 21, 2010
  • January 28, 2010
  • February 4, 2010
 * Winter Carnival Recess, may be no meeting.
  • February 11, 2010
  • February 18, 2010
 * Andrew - Version Control and Why You Want It
  • February 25, 2010
 * Gabe - Netbook Distros
  • March 4, 2010
  • March 11, 2010
  • March 18, 2010
  • March 25, 2010
 * Monochron clock and MintyBoost
  • April 1, 2010
  • April 8, 2010
  • April 15, 2010
  • April 22, 2010