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Editied for Spring 2010
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(Editied for Spring 2010)
Show and Tell will be sort of like our Installathon Presentations, but less formal. Think of it as more like a 10-15 min of "Look what I can do/did!"
[[Show_and_Tell_2009_Fall|2009 Fall Presentations]]
Sign up Sheet for FallSpring Semester 20092010:
This Week (11/19/2009)
* [[Fluxbox and minimal desktop]]
* [[The Linux audio world]]
* January 14, 2010
* January 21, 2010
* January 28, 2010
Sign up Sheet for Fall Semester 2009:
* February 4, 2010
*October 29, 2009
* Winter Carnival Recess, may be no meeting.
* Gabe - FlashFire OS Introduction and Demo (20-30 minutes possibly)
* Cody - The Wiki (if time)
* NovemberFebruary 511, 20092010
* Dan - Compiz desktop, e17, and gnome shell: Uncommon desktop environments.
* NovemberFebruary 1218, 20092010
* Andrew - [[IRCGuide|Guidelines to IRC]] Part I: Pidgin
* NovemberFebruary 1925, 20092010
* Jake - Fluxbox and minimal desktop.
* Dan - The Linux audio world. (The artist side, I know almost nothing about Pulse Audio)
* NovemberMarch 264, 20092010
* No presentations
* DecemberMarch 311, 20092010
* Peter - The joy of tiling window managers
* Gabe - FlashFire OS Tips and Tricks (v1.0 should be out by then)
* Andrew - [[IRCGuide|Guidelines to IRC]] Part II: X-Chat
* March 18, 2010
*December 10, 2009
* Steve - System Administration of Clusters
* Andrew - [[IRCGuide|Guidelines to IRC]] Part III: IRSSI
* March 25, 2010
* April 1, 2010
* April 8, 2010
* April 15, 2010
* April 22, 2010

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