imported>Jhstiebe No edit summary |
(Updated to reflect server status as of 2024-07-13) |
=== Kurisu, Okabe, Daru, Luka, Mayuri, MrBraun ===
=== Zaphod ===▼
All nodes in the LUG Proxmox Cluster to run VMs for services.
Runs nginx (lug.mtu.edu), [irc://lug.mtu.edu:6667/#mtu IRC server].▼
Current services run by VMs in the cluster include:
Runs on [https://www.debian.org/ Debian].▼
* [https://lug.mtu.edu LUG Homepage]
IP: <code></code>▼
* LUG IRC<->Discord<->Matrix Bridge ([https://github.com/prophetofxenu/discord-irc-matrix old bridge])
* This Wiki
* [https://matrix.to/#/#mtu-lug:lug.mtu.edu Matrix server] (soon)
* Other miscellaneous internal LUG services (PXEboot, LDAP, etc)
Nodes run [https://proxmox.com/en/ Proxmox], and all VMs run [[Debian]].
All nodes and VMs sit behind pfSense and do not have public IP addresses or domain names.
=== Lasagna, Ravioli (soon) ===
Runs on [https://www.debian.org/ Debian].▼
Router/firewall. Responsible for:
* DHCP, DNS, NAT for Server LAN
IP: <code></code>▼
* DHCP for OOB LAN (no internet, restricted from Server LAN)
* Wireguard ingress
* CARP for public services and internal network redundancy (soon)
* Port-forwarding traffic to VMs in Proxmox cluster
MTU Domain: <code>lug.mtu.edu</code>
MTU IP (CARP): <code>soon</code>
Runs on [https://www.debian.org/ Debian].▼
MTU IP (Lasagna): <code>141.219.188.
MTU IP (Ravioli): <code>soon</code>
The multi-tenant pubnix server all LUG members get lifetime access to.
Runs all services "by LUG, for LUG." Examples include:
▲IP: <code></code>.
* [https://shell.lug.mtu.edu LUG Member homepages]
=== Mirrors ===▼
* [https://shell.lug.mtu.edu:50000/ IRC bouncer]
* SSH jumphost from off-campus
* LUG fileshare host (soon)
* More to be added by user request
MTU Domain: <code>shell.lug.mtu.edu</code>
▲=== Mirrors / Mirrors2 (soon) ===
Current distros hosted by Mirrors include:
* Arch Linux
* CentOS (+ CentOS AltArch)
* Debian (+ Debian ISOs)
* Fedora (+ Fedora EPEL and RPMfusion)
* gentoo Linux
* Ubuntu (+ Ubuntu ISOs)
* + More to come as Mirrors gets more storage.
Runs on [https://www.freebsd.org/ FreeBSD].