Minutes 2008-09-04

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MTU  LUG Meeting Minutes September 4th, 2008

		IRC: October 11th or 12th
		Family weekend and Hispanic Heritage night
			MUB busy?  could be in Rheiki instead
		Sean Bulger (he's STC)
	Presentation Volunteers
		Theme Customization - Corey
		Basic Linux Command Line - Dark-Fx or Steve
		Linux Raid - Dark-Fx
		Destop Pretty Things - Jon (the one up here)

Server status
	We can has server and it works (no red blinking lights)
	there was a slight foobar with a harddrive over the summer
	Move to gigabit on the internal network

Student org stuff
	Steve went, not much interesting to us
		lots of public image stuff
	Collections of stuff for recycling
		shoes in the fall
		electronics in the spring

Steve planning on a Tips and Tricks series

Nvidia 177.68 and screensavers hate eachother