Minutes 2025-01-30

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Meeting Minutes - Card Stuff

  • Got materials for the new ID cards
    • Materials to make two total cards (one learning card, one 'actual' card)
      • 2 Labels per card
      • one white NFC card
      • lamination sheet
  • Making each ID
    • Cut out fronts and backs, each person gets a pair
    • Apply labels to front/back of card
    • Cut any overhanging label material
      • Otherwise it creates bubbles when laminating
    • Laminate the labelled card
    • Leave the laminated card underneath an upside-down laptop while it cools down
      • The lamination machine heats up the card so much it starts to curl
      • We just need a 'press' to hold it flat while it cools down
    • Finally, Cut off excess lamination
  • Allen showed us the method of cutting cards - Have scissors congruent to the edges of the card
  • Cards can be read and written to by an android app (MIFARE Classic Tool)
  • Be careful with the air bubbles while laminating
  • Next week's talk on programming the cards

Note from 2025-02-14:

The meeting minutes for the following meeting (Minutes 2025-02-13) has some pictures of the process, since some members weren't able to make their ID cards this meeting and did it then.