Upcoming Talks

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Scheduled Talks

Date Topic Name
03-13 Coreboot & Bios Modding Noah / Allen
03-20 ? ?
03-27 ? ?
04-03 ? ?
04-10 ? ?
04-17 ? ?
04-24 Finals Week N/A

bold topic = no meeting that week

? = no scheduled talk yet

Planned Talks (no date)

These are some future talks that have been proposed by various members.

Let one of us know if a talk sounds interesting, and we can commit to give it at a future meeting.

  • Cryptography Primer (We really need this, but I shouldn't be the one to give it lol - Noah)
  • Docker (Allen)
  • FreeBSD (Noah)
  • Systemd (Bryce?)
  • Linux Privilege Escalation (Josh)
  • Intel ME(/AMD PSP?) (Noah)
  • Intro to using Shell, and making a website (Noah)
  • IRC (Noah)
  • Shells + Shell Scripting (Noah)
  • Vim (Noah)