Category:Meeting Minutes

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Revision as of 19:35, 11 February 2010 by (talk) (Minutes20100211)
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intern secretary Adam Ahlquist

0. Officers' Reports / Committee's Reports

     server hasn't blown up, Arch Linux mirror is still behind. Andrew is very mad with Arch maintainers. Possibly dropping the Arch mirror.
     Installathon currently set to be in the MUB ballroom, hopefully will be changed

1. O-week Info Session

   Tuesday August 24th 2010 share info on linux during O-week 
   Gabe and Peter volunteer, more are requested

2. Penguicon

   held the weekend after finals week. FREE STUFF!!! tickets are $45 and will increase. Talk to Peter if you are interested in going.

3. NotACon

   Security and Open Source geek convention. Defcon with less Feds.
   about 10 people @ $210, includes everything but food. Price goes up when less people going. 
   Cody and Allicia are willing to go.

4. Parts/PCBordes

   Order from digikey going out. Email agmlego by Saturday if you want anything.

5. Open Floor

   Cody started playing Dwarf Fortress. Andrew likes Zork. 

6. Hardware Libraries

   Andrew is writing hardware libraries in Python for shiny hardware. 2 libraries are almost complete and able to display info on certain LCDs over the serial port. 

7. QA

   Jake is in trouble.

8. exit(0);

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